giovedì 5 giugno 2014

Are you really asking me about the Eurovision?

Interview with Brian.
Here the original in Russian.
Thanks to lemony_snicket for translating and sharing.

It's been almost 20 years since Placebo was founded. What is the most important thing that happened during this period?
It’s serious question. I guess the most important thing is that our band is productive for such a long time and we still refuse to go off.
We can't do anything else. And I’ve never had a real job. I’ve founded Placebo right after graduation from the University. Songwriting — that’s what I do!
There were a lot of bands who had started the same time we did, but in the end they gave up and went to work. In this sense, we're like The Rolling Stones. They have a lot of money so there’s no need to go on tours. But they do this because they have no other interests. So do we.
Now our band is in the privileged position. Every time we release new album, people are interested in listening to it. Even after 20 years. It’s unbelievable! And I’m very grateful for that.

How did your poetic skills change during this time?
I think I’ve become better at crating stories. Stories with their characters. You can notice that in our new album «Loud Like Love».
Paradoxical, but it makes me more vulnerable and honest in my songs.

How has the internet changed the music industry?
It has changed everything! Nobody buys vinyl and CDs…

Is that good or bad?
It depends on the listener. Isn’t it?
Now we have a generation of people who think that things that require a lot of money and effort to be created should be free. I think if you don't buy albums of your favorite band it won’t be able to stay in the music industry for a long time. They will be forced to find another job, like driving a taxi or wiping glasses in a bar

I hope you have enough money not to leave music industry?
To be honest, I don't want to discuss financial issues.

What do you think of Conchita Wurst, the winner of Eurovision 2014?
Are you really asking me about the Eurovision? Are you serious?! It's a waste of time! I don’t have a TV and I don’t give a fuck about Eurovision. It’s not even cultural event. You’re wasting your time asking me about it.

What’s the craziest things your fans ever did?
When somebody jumps out the stage it can be dangerous sometimes. There were occasions when our equipment had been broken down by those guys. We disapprove actions like that. Thankfully this happens less and less. But still there is a lot of people who try to run to the stage and hug me while I’m singing a song. Hell! Why are you doing this? Can't you see I'm working at the moment?! It's not the very best time for hugs!
Also over the past 20 years many strange things have been thrown on stage. Bottle of urine. Bullets. And even ham, a box of ham. It's just unreal! Oh, and coins! Coins are very painful!

You have a lot of collaborations. Who was the most interesting musician you've ever worked with?
I can’t answer this question. It would be quite rude.

Tell us about your son.
Cody loves me very much. He saw with his own eyes haw difficult playing music and touring is.

Many people say that your music is gloomy enough. Do you like to listen to something more cheerful? Like pop-music, reggae…
Reggae? I like reggae! I also love classical music and opera. And I don’t listen to a lot of rock'n'roll. As for me there’s not much of interesting material in this genre.
My favorite rock-band is The National. I also like Queens of the Stone Age. And a girlband from California named Warpaint. Yeah, I love them too.

Some people think that you look like Jared Leto. How do you like this comparison?
We know each other. Jared is very talented. He won the Oscar for best supporting actor for his role in Dallas Buyers Club. And he’s very interesting person. So if somebody compares as it’s not a problem for me.

Are you a happy man?
Yes, I'm fairly happy man. And I am lucky one because I’m doing what I really like to do. Most of the people on our planet don’t have such opportunity.

E ora.
Please, due minuti di silenzio per apprezzare la pura essenza del Molko-spirit nella risposta su Eurovision.
Credo di essere morta dal ridere quando l'ho letta. 
Lo amo. E quando fa così mi ricordo perché.
La risposta sulla collaborazione più interessante, ovvero, Brian si sta palesemente infastidendo con l'intervistatore. Chissà se il malcapitato lo intuisce? Prima gli stronca la domanda sui financial issues, poi quasi lo spara affanculo per Conchita, ora gli fa cortesemente notare che ha fatto una domanda del cazzo.
Lo amo. L'ho già detto? No?
Poi, vabbè, mi raccomando Brian - in caso qualcuno se lo fosse perso dalle 654654654654mila interviste precedenti - incidentalmente precisiamo sempre che io-non-ho-mai-avuto-un-vero-lavoro(e-invece-voi-poveri-mortali-sì-gnè-gnè-gnè) però cazzo, che volgari cafoni 'sti fan che ti disturbano mentre stai lavorando (sul palco)!!!
Lo vedo in forma, oh già.

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